Step-By-Step Guide
I am currently working off of a wait list. New clients are required to apply to work with me before moving forward with any next steps.
Step 1: We always begin with testing so that we can get a baseline and a clear understanding of your current energetic toxin load. You will start by purchasing a Comprehensive Bioenergetic Scan. You can also choose to purchase optional add on scans as well as blood work if you want even more data. Once you purchase your scan, you will have immediate access to download a PDF with instructions on how to send in your samples for bioenergetic testing (it’s a non-invasive hair and saliva sample), and there will also be instructions for bloodwork if you have chosen to do that as well (you are also emailed a link to download the instructions, or you can access the PDF by signing onto your account and clicking "orders").
Step 2: After you send in your samples and I receive them, you will receive an email from me confirming receipt of your samples as well as providing instructions on how/when to set up your appointment. Please do not set up an appointment until you've gotten an email from me confirming that I've gotten your samples.
Step 3: You will get an email with your scan results within 5-7 business days after I receive your samples. Once you receive your scan results, you can choose to purchase your regimen at that point, or wait until after our appointment if you have questions you want to cover first.
Step 4: We will meet during an appointment time of your choosing - you can pick between a 30, 60, or 90 minute appointment. Please note that if you choose a 30 minute appointment, it is not a full intake and is only enough time to quickly review your scan results. For best results and the most support, I highly recommend you choose a 60 or 90 minute appointment so that we can also discuss your health challenges and goals as well as your health history. After our appointment you can reference your scan results which will explain your supplement regimen and the length of time to be on the recommended supplements.
Step 5: Once you have completed your regimen, the next step would be re-testing. You will want to be off all supplements for at least 3 days before sending in your next set of samples. I have several options for re-testing (which can be purchased here) - you can choose to do another Comprehensive Scan ($250) though this is not required. For more affordable options you can choose either a Follow Up Scan ($175) which includes everything on the Comprehensive Scan except the food sensitivities (this will allow us to see where you are at with energetic toxins and see areas we need to focus on), or you can just purchase a Regimen Scan. The Regimen Scan ($60) will simply identify the next set of supplements as well as the complementary therapies. The process after you purchase your scan is the same. You will receive an email when samples are received, at which time you can set up a follow up appointment. You can choose a 30, 60 or 90 minute follow up, depending on how much support you need.
The number of times we need to meet will be different for every client based on energetic toxin load, and that's why we always create a customized regimen and plan of action. My basic approach is listed below (I take a largest to smallest approach based on my training). This process can take anywhere from 4-6 months to 1+ year. For every year of illness, you can expect at least one month of balancing work.
Drainage → Parasites → Molds/Metals → Bacteria → Viruses/Chemicals
Other Important Notes
It's important to remember that healing is an inside job. I am here to guide you, educate you, support you, listen to you and care about you, but ultimately, it is YOUR job to heal you. If you choose not to do the protocol that bioenergetic testing provides, or follow the necessary steps towards healing, please know that the support I am able to provide will be very limited. You will get out of this what you put into it. Please do not apply unless you are ready to commit to the process.
For recommendations on many of the things we don't have time to discuss in our first appointment, please check out my Wellness Guide. I wrote this guide with new clients in mind to share my favorite tips and products surrounding the topics of diet, sleep, lymphatic support, etc.
I offer limited email support between appointments. If you have questions about your protocol or need clarity on anything we discussed during our appointment, please reach out. Please keep longer questions for our next appointment. Consider when you visit any in-person health practitioner (a doctor, acupuncturist, massage therapist, etc), what is appropriate to ask of them between appointments? If any new symptoms arise, or you have questions we didn't have time to cover in our appointment, you will need to book an appointment.
I strive to respond to all emails within 24 business hours, but please note it can take up to 48 business hours, and I do not respond to emails on the weekends or holidays.
I am not able to respond to health or protocol related questions on Instagram because it is not a secure platform, so please reach out by email with those questions.
**Please make purchases mindfully - NO refunds are available once services/testing/supplements are purchased**
Chronic illness doesn’t happen overnight, and unfortunately, neither does healing. I use a tried and true roadmap to help support optimum healing, but please be aware that this process takes time. I feel called to work with clients ready to commit to this process so that we can see the absolute best results. If you’re curious about this process and how to get started, please see below: