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Due to issues and delays with shipping, I am now digitally sending your HTMA Hair Kit. If you have no way to print the form, you can email me for a mailed kit, just know that this will result in some delays. 


Here are the instructions (please read in full):


1. DOWNLOAD AND PRINT THE ORDER FORM: The order form is linked above. You will need to print the front and back of this form and fill in the following information: Last Name, First Name, Age and Sex. You do not need to fill out any other information, I have pre-filled the required information, nothing else is needed on the order form. You will need an order form for each person you are sending in samples for.


2. COLLECT YOUR HAIR SAMPLE: There are instructions on the order form for collecting you hair sample. Here is a video you might find helpful. 


  1. Ensure your hair is clean and dry (washed within the previous 24 hours) and NOT chemically dyed or permed. If it is, you will need to wait at least 8-10 weeks until there is about one inch of fresh growth (please email me if you aren’t able to collect your sample right now). 

  2. Do not use conditioner or styling products on the day you take your sample, just shampoo. If you have a water softener, it is best to wash your hair twice using bottled or unsoftened water prior to taking your sample.

  3. Discontinue the use of epsom salt baths or magnesium flake baths 7 days prior to collecting your sample.

  4. Use clean, high quality scissors to cut your hair.

  5. Follow the video or order form instructions for collecting your hair - you want to cut as close to the scalp as possible, collect between 1-1.5 inches of hair, it should fill one heaping tablespoonful. 

  6. Place your hair sample in a paper envelope, seal it, and write your name on the front. 


3. Place the order form and hair sample into an envelope and mail to: 

Analytical Research Labs, Inc

2225 W. Alice Ave.

P.O. Box 37964

Phoenix, AZ 85069-7964


4. I highly recommend shipping this with tracking if at all possible. You can also choose to use stamps, you would want to use 2-3 depending on the size of the envelope you are using (more if you are shipping multiple hair samples).


Once I receive notification that your samples are about to be processed by the lab (this takes an average of 2 to 2.5 weeks from the time you mail in your sample and longer around holidays), I will be in touch. Please note - there is a delay between arrival of your samples to the lab, and the date of processing, this can take an additional 10 business days from the time of arrival. If the samples have arrived at the lab, rest assured that they will be processed and I will be in touch as soon as I hear from them. It's helpful if you're able to send me a quick email to let me know the date you mail your samples, this will help me keep an eye out for them, and also stay on top of it if we pass the 2 week time frame and I still haven't heard from the lab.


In the meantime, please fill out New Client Paperwork if it is your first appointment OR Follow Up Paperwork if it is not your first appointment, at your earliest convenience, I will need this information before I can build your regimen and send your results so please do not delay.



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